Where Have I Been? S, Y & Z…

I feel that I have neglected my little happy place, but I have been a busy girl…more so than usual.  My friend Sandy and I decided we needed to join forces, so we created our new venture Social Fireflies…like butterflies, but brighter!  What do you think of our logo???  I designed it, so lie to me LOL.

We have been work, work, working on our new site getting it ready for launch…and we are hosting  our very FIRST GIVEAWAY going on right now!  Go ahead, check it out…tick, tock, tick, tock…all entered?  Did you do the bonus entries???  Great!  Thanks for the support!  Y’all are the best readers EVAH!  So that was the S…on to Y…

I have been at the Y…YMCA…we just got a brand new branch that is SUPER convenient.  Let’s face it, for me…when it comes to a workout routine…convenience is key!  This begs the question, why don’t the home workouts work…because I’m not having as much fun!  I have also discovered another Y…YOGA.  I (heart) yoga!  I don’t know exactly how to describe it, but I feel really good when I’m done with yoga.  My BFF is almost finished with her yoga training…and I get some much needed girl time with her very soon…can’t wait to do some yoga…talk about happy place!  (could I write yoga a few more times!?!?)  On to Z…

ZUMBA!  O-M-G!  Can you have that much fun and it be considered a workout???  I’m obsessed…seriously lacking coordination…staying in the back row…but smiling & shaking it like nobody’s business!  I can’t believe how much fun it is…and the sweat factor is like a 10!  Our instructor, Sherri, that woman must have rubberbands in her joints to be able to move like that!  She can shake it like I have never seen…something to work toward ;).  Now if I can stay away from late night icecream, maybe I will see some improvement in the mirror.  I’m not that concerned with my figure, I know what I’m doing is good for me…and I’m pretty satisfied with that.

Today’s secret revealed…seriously, I never knew I could have this much fun working out…I look at the calendar, and if yoga and zumba aren’t on the agenda, I’m a little bummed.  So much for the running!

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