I have made a plan!

Okay work-out buddy…here’s my report for today…I’ve made a plan!  Hey, I said I was trying to get organized.  The first step was inspired by some super-duper cool checklists by Clean Mama.  I need baby-steps, so I wasn’t quite ready to commit to the whole set…but am DEFINITELY considering them.  I am going to spend some of my ‘free’ time perusing her blog for tips on organizing my ‘housework’ time.  This is a guide for me to follow daily…maybe if it is staring me in the face, with some time expectations, I can stick to it!

This is what my current plan looks like:

Now, this is just a start for me…but I have started off right, well kinda 🙂 I keep thinking it is Monday…but alas, it is Tuesday!  I have made my meal plan for the week (and everything above…so proud of myself for working out!), so I’ll squeeze the floors in when I finish this.  Which just made me realize I did not allocate any time for blogging…hmmmm…right now it will be in with my ‘free’ time (the blank spaces).  I left Saturdays open and we have called our family fun time “Sunday Funday” for as long as Ethan could understand that weekends typically mean no work for Mommy & Daddy.

I also want to seriously cut-back on TV watching here, so I’m hoping that I can wean them off progressively.  The afternoon ‘free time’ is intended to be sans TV, but can include Wii for now. 

Wish me luck in this endeavor!  I will continue to update on my progress :).

Today’s secret revealed…I have scheduled bath nights…not every night…my kids have very dry skin & I think every night is overkill, but this is also flexible…if they are all sweaty & dirty then I bathe them, but honestly bathing the 4 of them is a daunting task…it is really bad when it is mani/pedi night.  One day they’ll do it all on their own, right???

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