
So, my plan is in place…I didn’t quite complete all of my assigned tasks, but I made major improvements!  I learned something about myself…I just need to write it all down, lay it out…when everything has a time, then I know when I should expect to do it & it helps me not stress over what isn’t done…because I have a plan to do it.  I felt much less overwhelmed by having a plan.  I think my next step is to add in, maybe twice a week, something I want to organize.  Again, a plan will help me stay on task (I hope!).  I don’t want to overwhelm myself by having a project everyday, but if I choose to do the play room/Ethan’s room and maybe the coat closet next week, hopefully I can accomplish those 2 things.  I am really bad about starting one project & getting side-tracked by 10 others.  I am also really bad about making a pile for donation…and not taking them…then the kids start pulling stuff out & before I realize what has happened all of the purging has gone down the tubes.  So that little playroom plan will need to be followed the next day with a trip to Goodwill…write that down (did you hear Van Wilder’s voice…I did).

I have enlisted my BFF to be my schedule buddy…so now I am not only going to be accountable to the schedule, but to her, too!  When I don’t get something done, I will have to shamefully admit it. 

My hubby said that 2010 was the year of Change, and that 2011 is going to be the year of Improvement (I love it when he philosophizes LOL)…I hope I see REAL improvements in my organization skills & home keeping.

Today’s secret revealed…I printed and laminated my schedule…I may have clutter, but I can’t stand messy writing & erasing things (they never go all the way away!), and I got some dry erase markers to use on it.  Someone once offered to purchase my notes from my Microbiology class because they were so neat & organized…I know, its hard for me to believe, too…that’s why I kept some of my notebooks…to remind myself that I can be neat & organized.

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